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For Bitcoin (BTC) to reach $30,000, One More Push Is Required

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    Bitcoin has already hit $30,000, but it needs more than quick rush toward desired threshold

    Bitcoin (BTC) Needs One More Push to Secure $30,000

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    Bitcoin is inching closer to the coveted $30,000 milestone. As enthusiasts and traders watch the ticker with bated breath, the big question remains: can Bitcoin firmly secure its spot above the $30K mark?

    Based on recent data, a substantial potential resistance level exists around this price point. Specifically, a whopping 1.49 million addresses have acquired Bitcoin close to this figure. This implies that a large group of investors sees this value as pivotal, thereby transforming it into a formidable resistance threshold.

    Source: TradingView

    It is not just the sheer volume of transactions that draws attention to this price point. An impressive 73% of all Bitcoin addresses are presently in profit, solidifying the $30,000 level as a significant point of contention throughout the year. However, while crossing this line is a psychological victory, the real battle is maintaining momentum beyond it.

    Recent charts provide a more nuanced insight. Even though Bitcoin's price has momentarily surged past the $30,000 mark, there is palpable selling pressure hovering close by. This suggests that a section of the market, possibly those who acquired Bitcoin at this rate, are considering capitalizing on their investment. Such selling pressure, if it intensifies, can potentially push the cryptocurrency's value downward, erasing recent gains.

    For Bitcoin to truly secure its position above $30,000 and deter a potential price drop in the near future, it needs to climb further. A more robust position would be above the $30,600 mark. Why? Because this would cover local selling pressure levels, creating a buffer against immediate sell-offs and thereby reinforcing market confidence.

    To conclude, while crossing $30,000 is undoubtedly a monumental feat for Bitcoin, it is imperative to remember that in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, milestones are just as quickly achieved as they are lost. For Bitcoin to not just touch but firmly establish its reign above $30K, it will require one more concerted push from its global community. Only time will tell if the digital currency can muster the strength and support needed to achieve this next leap.

    About the author

    Arman Shirinyan

    Arman Shirinyan is a trader, crypto enthusiast and SMM expert with more than four years of experience.

    Arman strongly believes that cryptocurrencies and the blockchain will be of constant use in the future. Currently, he focuses on news, articles with deep analysis of crypto projects and technical analysis of cryptocurrency trading pairs.


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    Author: Duane Williams

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